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CTRM article 14.2.24

Orchestrade Sailing Ahead – CTRMCenter

February 14, 2024

Dr. Gary M. Vasey of CTRM Centre talked with Dale Emmerson, Head of Commodities at Orchestrade. 

At the back end of last week, I spoke with Dale Emmerson of Orchestrade. It has just signed a very large deal apparently with an oil and gas entity covering renewables, PPA’s and more. “It’s a big win for us and validation that Orchestrade can compete and win at the tier one level in energy,” he said. He went on to inform us that Orchestrade is also building out US power for a customer located there, and is building out base metals for another customer including LME Sword integration. They have also deployed gas storage for another  European customer. The vendor now has around half a dozen customers in energy and appears to be gaining significant traction. Orchestrade has grown its team based on the success to date in energy and commodities, Dale said.